Francois Morton

Chief Operating Officer

Connect with Francois

Keep it simple, be honest and straightforward with people.

With over 40 years, I have successfully delivered major projects, guided and managed high-performing teams, and led large, national multi-discipline consulting practices. I have worked closely with construction, operations and maintenance groups on some of Canada’s largest public-private projects.

As Chief Operating Officer, I play a pivotal role coaching teams, systemizing processes and operations to secure and deliver projects, and collaborating with principals on major pursuits and strategies. I also work closely with various departments to evaluate performance, streamline the pursuit process, and enhance marketing efforts.

My philosophy in the delivery of professional services is to keep it simple, be honest and straightforward. I believe that the true impact people have on an organization is in the value they add, and that our work for clients must always make operational business sense.

We asked, Francois Morton answered:


What do you like most about working at Kasian?

“Being in the ‘people business’, it’s undoubtedly the great collective of talented people I’ve been fortunate to work with and grow alongside. Seeing others achieve their best through mentorship and coaching; much in the way I had in the earlier stages of my career. I get a kick out of collaborating and doing great things with others. As the Chief Operating Officer, it’s my job to make sure we’re getting the best out of every individual, and therefore the best out of the organization.”


How would you describe your working/leadership style?

“What you see is what you get. Honesty, transparency, and being straightforward has served me well throughout my career. It helps create a culture of understanding where people know how they fit into the collective to work better together.”