Doug Johnson


Bsc, BArch, Member AIBC, Sloan Fellow (London Business School)

Connect with Doug

Residential architecture is deeply personal, and should be approached with a sense of empathy.

With a career that spans 40 years and counting, I’ve put human experience first in my design practice. Advocating for the needs and aspirations of my clients and their future residents, I lead collaborative teams to create welcoming spaces that not only fulfill a basic human need, but also bring delight to the people who will call them home. The way we interact with our built environment as we work, play, and live our daily lives is changing: I strive to design and build housing solutions that meet society’s evolving needs while also providing a sense of joy.


My Sectors: Commercial Mixed-Use; Senior Living; Residential

My Services: Architecture; Master Planning & Urban Design


We Asked, Doug Johnson Answered:


What makes a great design?

‟A great design hits the economic targets and meets all the stakeholder requirements, but there’s more to it than that: at the end of the day, there is always a little bit of art. That is why people love and appreciate architecture.”


What does success mean to you?

‟I feel successful after navigating a complex design and build process. There are so many components and people involved. Stepping into a finished building and seeing people enjoy it is a wonderful feeling. One of the best things about architecture is that we have something tangible to show and experience for our efforts.”