Andrew Butler


B.Sc., B.Arch., OAA, MRAIC

Connect with Andrew

…we bring the power of collaborative design and creativity to resolve complex projects with elegant solutions. With a collaborative mindset, a motivated team can accomplish truly inspiring places with our clients and communities.

With a track record spanning diverse corners of the globe, I’ve spearheaded the design and implementation of many architecture and engineering projects. I have worked with inspired teams driven by a belief in the power of design to shape human experience and the value of purpose-driven collaboration.


I am committed to excellence and enjoy team environments that work to build shared investment in the success of our clients in all their aspirations and commitments. The satisfaction of seeing a client settle into a new facility is rewarding and a celebration of the teamwork required to make it happen.


Creating buildings today is a complex endeavour with programmatic, sustainable, financial, technical, and aesthetic demands, and we thrive in this environment. We meet every challenge with an integrated team of creative and technical experts. An inspiring and fitting solution always motivates teams to achieve beyond expectations from our clients, our designers and builders, and those who experience the spaces we create together.


My Sectors: Military, Public Safety & Justice; Education, Arts and Culture.


My Services: Architecture, Master Planning & Urban Design, Lifescape.


We asked, Andrew Butler answered:


What is the hallmark of great design?

“Great design has a conceptual base that pulls together program, site, technology, budget, and the nature of the institution being housed, in simple, elegant and evocative form. The architecture will always speak to the care and craft put into it.”


How would you describe your collaboration style?

“Open. Unafraid of talent in others. Conversational and explorative. I try to ensure that every team member has a specific role, but also every team member has a voice in the design conversation. Ideas can come from unexpected sources and should be heard.”