We work with public and private organizations to produce functional programs and master plans to inform their strategic plans and capital budgets. Our assignments range from high-level master planning and conceptual block and stack diagrams to detailed programming and room data sheets. We work in partnership with engineering firms to outline building systems requirements essential for clean and safe working environments.

CFIA’s Centre for Plant Health provides diagnostic testing for plants imported and exported from Canada and maintains repositories of clean plants for commercial applications. To support their continued work, we developed an overall campus master plan, a detailed functional program, with room data sheets, and a phasing plan to replace the aging facilities across the site. To gain efficiencies for workflow and building systems, we proposed an integrated concept with a contiguous laboratory facility, header-house, and greenhouses. Using modern greenhouse technologies and best practices, the integrated complex will support CFIA Plant Pest Containment (PPC) Level 2 and 2A activities for the diagnostic and research programs.
Services Provided:
Functional Program
Conceptual Master Plan
Conceptual Facility Plan
Room Data Sheets

Agriculture & Agri-food Canada is planning to replace and expand their greenhouse complex at the ARDC to support their role in protecting and enhancing our food sources. Through benchmarking and client engagement, we developed a program and conceptual plan that includes two new operating areas: a non-containment production range with a header-house and a separate CFIA PPC Level 2A certified research range with associated laboratory spaces and header-house. The conceptual plan carefully lays out components for proper workflow to ensure that critical program isolation is achieved. These components are then arranged on site to achieve the ideal layout for sun exposure, and flexible areas for expansion to allow for future program changes or new research directives.
Services Provided:
Functional Program
Conceptual Master Plan

Kasian was engaged to provide a renewal plan to modernize this research station, established in 1908, and to fix critical access and circulation site issues. The station is divided by a road creating two distinct zones (an lower and upper campus) which is challenging for facility management, security and safe operations. The new master plan re-conceptualizes the site, using the road to create an organizational hierarchy while also improving adjacencies and critical workflows. Administrative and laboratory spaces, public science outreach space, a café and conference/meeting space are located in the lower campus, concentrating the publicly accessed spaces all in one zone. The upper campus accommodates secure, non-public spaces such as industrial warehousing, workshops and layout down areas.
Services Provided:
Functional Program
Conceptual Master Plan
Conceptual Stack & Phasing

This research campus includes an acclaimed research facility which shares its site with a marine operations base and geoscience centre. To create the most efficient master plan, we looked for opportunities to share space among these three groups, proposing a science complex to consolidate administrative and laboratory spaces and house common shared spaces such as conference/meeting spaces, a café and public science outreach areas. Grouping these spaces reduced overall footprints, supported synergies, and improved site safety and security. The remaining site area can then be a more secure industrial operational zone with a vessel maintenance hangar, workshops, warehousing, wharf and laydown areas and centralized shipping and receiving.
Services Provided:
Functional Program
Conceptual Master Plan
Conceptual Stack & Phasing

Funding priorities for scientific research regularly fluctuate to meet changing needs or policies. This research field office needs workspace, laboratories and support space that can accommodate today’s research directives but that can also adapt, upsizing and downsizing, based on future funding opportunities and program needs. In the new master plan we programmed labs and offices as simple, modular spaces, which could be divided up and kitted out as needed and be supported by flexible building service systems. Three new wet lab outbuildings, complete with support areas, are proposed to house future research as needed. Additionally, vertical solutions were proposed for site storage, to free up space for additional future program growth or partners on site.
Services Provided:
Functional Program
Conceptual Master Plan
Conceptual Stack & Phasing
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